Thursday, December 30, 2010

Its been awhile

I know it has been awhile since i posted on my blog. I have been really busy with my job here in Korea teaching English. But now that things have finally calmed down with it I am going to try and post weekly with new art I have done or I am working on. Here is piece that I posted in my first post but now it is textured.

Friday, July 2, 2010

First Post

So I guess this is going to my first post to my art blog, The main purpose that I am going to be using this blog for posting up artwork that I want to show off and get comments on. I hope to post a new work every week, whether it be just a ambient Occlusion render or it might be a new texture for an old model or a new texture for a newer models. Here is one of my latest models I have done right after graduation. I modeled this after some concept art from Final Fantasy 9. Photobucket